🇮🇱 · Election 2022

National // Israel · ID 1117
ID Party # Name Seat share Seats Vote share Votes
11026 L The Consolidation 26.7 32 23.4 1,115,336
11027 YA There is a Future 20 24 17.8 847,435
11046 HaLe-T|RZP HaLe-T|RZP National Union--Tkuma | Religious Zion… 11.7 14 10.8 516,470
11062 OL HaLe-T|RZP Jewish Power
11063 Noam HaLe-T|RZP Pleasantness
11043 KL KL Blue and White 10 12 9.1 432,482
11044 NH KL New Hope
11045 none KL no party affiliation
11052 Shas Sephardi Guardians 9.2 11 8.3 392,964
11053 YaToMe YaToMe United Torah Judaism 5.8 7 5.9 280,194
11060 AY YaToMe Union of Israel
11061 DeTo YaToMe Banner of the Torah
11029 YB Israel Our Home 5 6 4.5 213,687
11028 Raam United Arab List 4.2 5 4.1 194,047
11047 R|H R|H New Communist List | Democratic Front 4.2 5 3.8 178,735
11065 Taal R|H Arab Movement for Renewal
11048 Ma|Av Alignment | Labor 3.3 4 3.7 175,992
11049 Meretz Energy 0 3.2 150,793
11050 Balad National Democratic Assembly 0 2.9 138,617
11051 MDL|HH National Religious Party | The Jewish H… 0 1.2 56,775
· Information
1. November 2022
Early ·
Total seats
2022 Israeli legislative election
· Votes
Total votes
Valid votes
· Cabinets