🇮🇱 · Election 2019

National // Israel · ID 1079
ID Party # Name Seat share Seats Vote share Votes
10430 KL KL Blue and White 27.5 33 26.0 1,151,214
10582 HLY KL Israel Resilience Party
10583 YA KL There is a Future
10584 Telem KL Telem
10431 L The Consolidation 26.7 32 25.1 1,113,617
10436 R|H R|H New Communist List | Democratic Front 10.8 13 10.6 470,211
10437 Taal R|H Arab Movement for Renewal
10438 Raam R|H United Arab List
10439 Balad R|H National Democratic Assembly
10432 Shas Sephardi Guardians 7.5 9 7.4 330,199
10433 YB Israel Our Home 6.7 8 7.0 310,154
10434 YaToMe YaToMe United Torah Judaism 5.8 7 6.1 268,775
10696 AY YaToMe Union of Israel
10697 DeTo YaToMe Banner of the Torah
10440 Y Y Rightwards 5.8 7 5.9 260,655
10441 YaHa Y New Right
10442 MDL|HH Y National Religious Party | The Jewish H…
10443 HaLe-T|RZP Y National Union--Tkuma | Religious Zion…
10444 Ma|Av Ma|Av Alignment | Labor 5 6 4.8 212,782
10446 G Ma|Av Bridge
10445 Meretz Energy 4.2 5 4.3 192,495
10435 OL Jewish Power 0 1.9 83,609
· Information
17. September 2019
Early ·
Total seats
September 2019 Israeli legislative election
· Votes
Total votes
Valid votes
· Cabinets