🇮🇱 · Election 1999

National // Israel · ID 718
ID Party # Name Seat share Seats Vote share Votes
6079 Ma|Av Ma|Av Alignment | Labor 21.7 26 20.2 670,484
7790 G-96 Ma|Av Bridge -- 1996
7791 Meimad Ma|Av Meimad
6080 L The Consolidation 15.8 19 14.1 468,103
6081 Shas Sephardi Guardians 14.2 17 13 430,676
6082 Meretz Energy 8.3 10 7.6 253,525
6083 YBA Israel for Immigration 5 6 5.1 171,705
6084 Shinui Change 5 6 5 167,748
6085 MiHa Centre Party 5 6 5 165,622
6086 MDL|HH National Religious Party | The Jewish H… 4.2 5 4.2 140,307
6087 YaToMe YaToMe United Torah Judaism 4.2 5 3.7 125,741
8037 AY YaToMe Union of Israel
8038 DeTo YaToMe Banner of the Torah
6088 Raam United Arab List 4.2 5 3.4 114,810
6091 YB Israel Our Home 3.3 4 2.6 86,153
6089 HaLe-T|RZP HaLe-T|RZP National Union--Tkuma | Religious Zion… 2.5 3 3 100,181
7796 He-TnLe HaLe-T|RZP Herut -- The National Movement 0.8 1
6090 R|H New Communist List | Democratic Front 2.5 3 2.6 87,022
6092 Balad Balad National Democratic Assembly 1.7 2 1.9 66,103
8013 Taal Balad Arab Movement for Renewal
6093 AE One Nation 1.7 2 1.9 64,143
8029 Tnufa Momentum 0 1.3 44,953
· Information
17. May 1999
Early ·
Total seats
Israeli general election, 1999
· Votes
Total votes
Valid votes
· Cabinets