🇮🇱 · Election 1996

National // Israel · ID 717
ID Party # Name Seat share Seats Vote share Votes
6068 Ma|Av Alignment | Labor 28.3 34 26.8 818,741
6069 L L The Consolidation 20 24 25.1 767,401
7792 G-96 L Bridge -- 1996 4.2 5
7793 Tzomet L Crossroads 2.5 3
6070 Shas Sephardi Guardians 8.3 10 8.7 259,796
6071 MDL|HH National Religious Party | The Jewish H… 7.5 9 7.8 240,271
6072 Meretz Energy 7.5 9 7.4 226,275
6073 YBA Israel for Immigration 5.8 7 5.7 174,994
6074 R|H New Communist List | Democratic Front 4.2 5 4.2 129,455
6075 YaToMe YaToMe United Torah Judaism 3.3 4 3.2 98,657
8035 AY YaToMe Union of Israel
8036 DeTo YaToMe Banner of the Torah
6076 DS The Third Way 3.3 4 3.2 96,474
6077 Raam Raam United Arab List 3.3 4 2.9 89,514
6145 Mada Raam Arab Democratic Party
6078 M Homeland 1.7 2 2.4 72,002
8028 no-seat no seat 0 0.7 22,741
· Information
29. May 1996
Early ·
Total seats
Israeli general election, 1996
· Votes
Total votes
Valid votes
· Cabinets